yeah.. i knew i was gonna be something that had to do with control / power. that's just the type of person i am. i like things done my way, otherwise i don't feel as if much is being accomplished. i wasn't surprised at all. in a way i would have rather liked to be something else, because this just feeds into my pushy attitude. sigh that can't be good. i do yell a lot.. sometimes i yell just to yell. ok no bueno. i feel like i shouldn't change this, but instead find a balance between all 4. i had a high "I" and that's also about right, my friend tells me i have a habit of persuading others. but that's all part of my plan to have things run my way! haha.
i do think it is important to know people's management "type". that way you see where they are coming from and situations can be dealt with more appropriately. a test like this does come in useful with out personal interactions as well. honestly i know myself, and i do try to dominate various situations, be it school, work, relationships etc.. still not a good thing, but at least i'm aware of my actions.